You may not know this, but Siena is one of the Italy's most visited tourist attractions, with over 163,000 international arrivals yearly. It's situated in the central part of Tuscany and is famous for its cuisine, art, museums and, of course the "Palio," which is a horse race held twice a year. A "Must See" attraction in Siena is the Duomo, which took almost 120 years to build (1229-1348). Talk about dedication! The "Palio di Siena," I mentioned, is a traditional medieval horse race run around the Piazza del Campo on July 2nd and August 16th. To say the event is attended by large crowds is an understatement. You can apparently see it for free from the square, but you're discouraged from bringing children that close (check out some pictures on the internet - you won't believe it!). You can also buy tickets to see it from bleachers. If you look at my pictures below and wonder if some of the residents will rent their balconies overlooking the square so you can have a birds-eye view of the Palio, the answer is, "Yes"!! If you're wondering about the cost to rent one the answer is, "you don't wanna know"!!! The event is widely televised. We had a great time in Siena and plan to go back. If for no other reason than to get some of their chocolate. Just check out the photos below. Enjoy!